Your Collies’ Basic Requests!
All I ask is…
Your rough collies’ basic needs are simple – this is what they would ask for if he or she could talk to you:
- Clean, cool drinking water that is readily available – please change the water in my bowl two or three times a day.
- A good, balanced diet.
- Exercise each day – and when I have learned to come when called to be able to run free in a safe place.
- To feel a part of your pack (family) and to be treated with fairness by the pack leader.
- Some company and affection – please don’t leave me alone for too long, but also let me have my own space and quiet time so that I can rest when I need to.
- Please don’t leave me in the car, it gets hot in there!
If I become ill…
Your collie should basically have the same characteristics of health each day. If there is something out of character you should seek advice from your vet. With this in mind we would like to draw your attention to, and emphasise the following warning signs that require veterinary advice:
- A normally healthy collie refusing to eat.
- Constant vomiting.
- Motions that are very loose or there is diarrhea.
- There has been blood loss.
- Your collie is lethargic and does not want to get up.
- Unconsciousness.
- Fitting or seizures.